Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This week I have been snowed in, yelled at, set back and the damn dog tried to attack be while me and the missus were trying to enjoy a little 'quality time' (Actually I call it 'quality time', she calls it 'get this drooling idiot off me!')

But regardless of that, I now have cause for joy because the latest Cinematic Titanic is coming out March!

This time that have chosen to shine their comic brilliance upon the horror film Blood of the Vampires.

Here is the teaser trailer for it. I laughed till I cried. (I cried because I can't afford to order the damn thing until next week!)

If you aren't enjoying these DVDs yet do yourself a favor and order them- better these guys get your hard earned cash than Michael Bay.

Now if you want to give your cash to me...

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